change comes from within

You can radically transform your entire business, for the better, by focusing more on who you are than what you are doing.

Indian yogi, mystic and author Sadhguru says, “90% of the people in the world live less than 1% of their waking hours consciously.”  If this is true, how can we possibly have deep meaningful relationships with ourselves or others?  Simply put, we can’t.

When you increase your capacity for conscious awareness in your day-to-day life, you open yourself to unlimited unknown possibilities within and around you. Your processing power multiplies exponentially. What would you do with that sort of power? Who would you become? How could you change yourself? Your business? Your world?

When we choose to step out of our unconscious patterns, that’s where the real magic happens.  We no longer blindly obey the ingrained messages of our past or our outdated programming.  We begin to hear another voice.  Our own.


He who conquers others is strong. He who conquers himself is mighty.     

- Lao Tzu


executive / owner / founder

transformation from the top down

The most powerful way to bring radical transformation to an organization is to work intimately with the owners, founders, and executive level positions first. This top down approach not only increases the overall vision for the enterprise but also sets a new tone for the culture around and below leadership. We call this conscious culture.

As the leaders of the organization begin to integrate their newfound awareness into their personal and professional lives, they begin to see opportunities they’ve never seen before. They understand life and business deeper and more holistically. More consciously. And because they know their business inside and out, they can make sweeping changes that foster more growth, sustainability, and accountability for their employees, clients, and bottom line. It’s a huge win for all involved.

At top-tier level, we work a very detailed one-on-one process which includes:

  • Bridging session to unearth patterns/blockages that are holding them back

  • A custom 6-week program to integrate new subconscious programming

  • Weekly check-ins for accountability and guidance

  • Co-creation of a new personal and corporate manifesto


*Note: We are often asked for custom arrangements. If you have a vision, please share it with us. We are open to co-creating and developing new processes along the way to help you achieve that vision.


group activation

Inspire your employees to live their best lives, inside and outside of the office.

Imagine your employees coming in excited for the day, open and willing to learn, and working together in harmony. Now imagine how your clients feel when dealing with this new positive energy. Each exchange adds up. They can’t quite put their finger on it, but they feel better when they work with your people. There’s something different. Something refreshing. And that’s exactly the result you want.



The main ingredient to a more conscious workplace is connection. Instead of throwing more should-do’s, quotes, and hero’s journey stories at our audience, we break down life and work in a way that helps people understand not only the bigger picture, but their individual role in it. And once they feel more connected to themselves, they can then feel connected to something bigger.

What’s your vision for your next event? Where would you like to lead your people? Can you see it? Feel it?

We would love to help you manifest this vision into reality. Let’s start the discussion…



focused learning modules

We also offer specific modules for increasing productivity and fostering a healthy creative environment. We can customize each of these modules to fit your specific business for a perfect synthesis of productivity and corporate consciousness.


Getting Into Peak State

Transcend your normal day-to-day routine using these powerful peak state methods.  Rather than reactive, addicted, and unconscious days, move yourself into proactive, inspired, and definitive ones that catapult you into living your best life.  Make greatness your new normal.



Tap into the power of the subconscious mind and whole-brain state while learning about high-speed mindset change.  Unlocking the potential of our brains allows for optimal personal and professional development.  Work smarter, not harder.


Energizing Your Body

Our bodies are incredibly powerful and capable of far more energy than most of us are aware of.  These simple techniques can be used in the office or at home to naturally increase energy levels for a more sustainable healthy work day.


Meditation & Relaxation Techniques

Learn how to remain calm in the eye of the storm.  These simple techniques can reduce stress, increase productivity, and nurture your health and wellness.  Established long-term habits of meditation can result in increased lifespan, less age-related memory loss, and decreased blood pressure.


custom package

If there is something else you have in mind, please feel free to reach out and share your vision. We are happy to explore new realms of possibility. Co-creating can be powerful and inspiring. Let’s dream together and see where it takes us.


request your free consultation